The weather in the Dominican Republic in November

Temperatures can vary greatly throughout November in the Dominican Republic, with an average range of 22.7°C (73°F) to 29.5°C (85°F). This can be an attractive time for many vacationers, but keep in mind that tropical storm season is still officially in effect and late-season storms may occur. If you're planning on traveling to the Dominican Republic in November, be sure to keep an eye out for local forecasts.

November: the beginning of the beautiful season in the Dominican Republic

Temperatures in the Dominican Republic in November generally range between an average daytime high of 29.5°C (85°F) and an average nighttime low of 22.7°C (73°F).


On a typical day in November, early in the morning, you will likely find the temperature to be around 23.3°C (74.2°F). The temperature will rise on a typical November day, reaching around 29.4°C (85.1°F) by early afternoon. In the early evening, temperatures in the Dominican Republic generally drop to around 25°C (77°F). Temperatures average around 25.5°C (78.1°F) in November.


In November, rain is more likely to occur all day and less likely to occur around 5:00 p.m. Since thunderstorms occur in the Dominican Republic in November, they are most likely to occur around 8:00 p.m.

It should be noted that there are quite significant differences between the southern, northern, central, eastern and western regions. Some will be cooler, wetter or warmer, drier...

The climate month by month

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