How far is it from Punta Cana to Bayahibe?

Route from Punta Cana to Bayahibe - Dominicus

Punta Cana Bavaro is located approximately 43.5 miles (70 kilometers) (50 minutes by car) from Bayahibe and Dominicus.
At Punta Cana airport, take the Del Coral highway and before arriving in La Romana take the Bayahibe exit. The road is recent and in good condition. Note that there are 2 peajes between Bayahibe and Punta Cana.

The other option is to take the old road through Veron, Higuey then Bayahibe, the journey is about 85 kilometers for 1h45 drive.

Bayahibe/Dominicus is located by the Caribbean Sea with a few all-inclusive hotels, hotels, aparthotels and villas for holidays and weekends.
It is a fishing village which has been converted into tourism, it is in particular the starting point for Saona Island and for visiting the Cotubanama National Park.

Tourism is very developed, it is the largest tourist area in the Dominican Republic, and it continues to develop. There are dozens of all-inclusive resorts, charming hotels, apart-hotels, villas for rent, residences, bars, restaurants, shopping centers, amusement parks... everything for a dream vacation.

Map from Punta Cana Bavaro to Bayahibe

Distances to other cities in the east of the Dominican Republic

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